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HUMANITIES 340: Interpretations and Values. Summer 2019: Study Abroad Summer Program, Granada, Spain/Stockholm, Sweden

Código: 19CL01 Granada
29/06/2019 al 10/07/2019

Este verano el Centro Mediterráneo va a llevar a cabo un Summer School con la Universidad Estatal de California, la comunidad universitaria tiene la opción de matricularse en este curso que se impartirá íntegramente en ingles, en la ETS Arquitectura. Así mismo el alumnado matriculado de la UGR recibirá un Certificado firmado por el Centro Mediterráneo y la Universidad Californiana.
El alumnado de la UGR tendrá derecho a asistir a las clases presenciales programadas, pero no a las actividades desarrolladas para los estudiantes de California.

Lugar celebración:
Facultad de Ciencias Universidad de Granada, Aula O3

College of Business and Public Administration-Mediterranean Studies Academy
Study Abroad Summer Program Proposal. Granada, SPAIN, 2019
Dates Abroad: June 29th – July 13th
Complete program (Online + Abroad) from June 20th – July 18th
Courses and Faculty
*ADMINISTRATION 590/690 or MANAGEMENT 306 (Online)* (Pending confirmation) Habich
HUMANITIES 340: Interpretation and Values. (Hybrid/On site). Jerez-Gómez
Course Topics related to Business, Cultural Relations and Identity in the Mediterranean context.
Adm 590/690
On-line Instruction (36 hours)
Course Reflection (4 hours)
Hum 340
On-line Instruction (12 hours)
Face to face Instruction (24 hours)
Course Reflection (4 hours)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: From the Mediterranean to the lands of the North. Trade, Culture and Identities.
We invite students to explore, through literature, music, art, and film the interactions and exchanges between peoples of «the lands of the Middle Sea»— North Africa, West Asia, the Middle East, and Southern Europe — and “the lands of the North” – Scandinavia and the land of the Rūs. Rather than re-inscribe conventional notions of East and West in our study of the Mediterranean, this course acknowledges and will interrogate the binaries of center and margin, self and other, tradition and modernity. This seminar focuses on the Mediterranean as a space of encounter, commerce, trade, business relations, pilgrimage, exile, war, and hospitality represented in literature, performance, music, and storytelling currents since Antiquity to Modernity. Organized according to the idea of a literary and cultural journey through the Mediterranean, the seminar will explore the identities of travelers, merchants, traders, doctors, entrepreneurs, pilgrims, women, renegades, soldiers, spies, gypsies, and pirates. Themes of the course include contact, exchange, trade, captivity, conversion as well as fascination with the exotic and antiquity.
We analyze literature depicting the diversity of races, languages, religions, and social characters that collide to develop a dialectics of survival and accommodation or acculturation. We will study how texts of different genres and traditions embody Mediterranean syncretism, forming a common cultural ground. In concert with textual analysis will be an exploration of music as an expression of identities which are very rich and heterogeneous in the Mediterranean–from the Middle Eastern influence that reaches Spain, and the Sephardic tradition, to the 19th century-ballads of British sailors. In the tradition of the liberal arts seminar, the syllabus is designed with the expectation of class participation, individual presentations, small group work and a comparative analysis that undergoes peer review and revision.

1. Identify elements that define the Mediterranean as a point of convergence between Europe, Africa, and Asia
2. Appreciate the differences and similarities between Mediterranean cultures resulting from the exchange of ideas, goods and travel, as well as from warfare
3. Analyze literature and culture from a comparative perspective
4. Approach critically texts to examine how they illustrate through language and structure key themes discussed in class.

• 30% Attendance and participation (includes online Forum daily assignment, and completion of all reading/writing assignments)
• 30% Quizzes (3 @ 10% each; incomplete quizzes are given a zero)
• 15% Presentation (incomplete presentations are given a zero)
• 25 % 1 Comparative Analysis (includes peer critique; incomplete analyses are given a zero)

REQUIRED TEXTS: Please purchase book either at campus Bookstore or order online
• Cooke, Miriam, E. Göknar, and G. Parker, eds. Mediterranean Passages: Readings from Dido to Derrida. University of North Carolina Press, 2008. ISBN-13: 978-0807858714
• Ibn Fadlān and the Land of Darkness. Arab Travelers in the Far North. (Trans. Paul Lunde, and Caroline Stone). Penguin Classics, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-140-45507-6
“The Mediterranean is the meeting point of three continents–Asia, Africa, and Europe–as well as three major monotheistic religions–Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Focusing on global networks and cultural exchanges, Mediterranean Passages collects writings from across 3,000 years to provide a pan-Mediterranean perspective of the cultural, political, and economic relations that crisscross the region, linking people and places from antiquity to the present. From Homer’s hymn to Apollo to the writing of French-Algerian philosopher Jacques Derrida, from the contemporary accounts of North African Berber conqueror Tariq ibn al-Yazid to the journalism of American I. F. Stone, this chronologically organized anthology juxtaposes the voices and experiences of travelers, exiles, and colonizers who have lived in or visited the Mediterranean region since before 1200 B. C. E. Literary and historical texts and a gallery of maps, architecture, photographs, and paintings provide glimpses of travel and migration, trade routes, military conquest, and cultural exchange. Together, these selections highlight the networks of connections, intersections, and interruptions that animate a vital and contested geographical space” (from Mediterranean Passages, 2008).

• “Maqama of the Lion”, Al-Hamadhani, Badi al-Zaman (976-1007).
• “The Berbers”, Ibn Yusuf Al-Tamimi Al-Saraqusti (d. 1143). Al-Maqamat Al-Luzumiyah (Trans. James T. Monroe). Leiden: Brill Academic Pub, 2002. (418-424)
• Boccaccio, Giovanni (1313-1375). The Decameron.
• Armistead, Samuel G. “The Sephardim.” The Literature of Al-Andalus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. 455-471.
• Sephardic Ballads: “La doncella guerrera.”
• Adrienne Martin, “Wild Women and Warrior Maidens.» An Erotic Philology of Golden Age Spain. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2008. 114-130.
• Cervantes, Miguel de (1547-1616). Don Quixote.
• British shanties: “The Banks of the Nile”, “Captain Ward” (online audio links)

See Blackboard for list of recommended readings, films, and music.

Readings (from Mediterranean Passages, Ibn Fadlān and the Land of Darkness* and other sources in pdf) (150 pages)

. Cedars for Egypt, Wenamun 20-22
. Travels of a Farmer, Hesiod 30-33
. Lamentation over Tyre, Ezekiel 35-37
. Delos at the Crossroads, Homeric Hymn to Apollo 37-39
. Grain Trade Dispute, attributed to Demosthenes 51-52
. Viking Traders from Sweden and Islamic Silver in the Land of Rūs, Ibn Fadlān 45-48 *
. The Sea of Darkness, and Silent Barter, Abu Hamid 70-71 *
. Maqam of the Lion, al- Hamadhani (pdf)
. Marine Merchant, William Shakespeare 215-216
. The Bejeweled Fly Whisk, Pierre Deval 260-262
. Illustrations: Amphorae off Bozburum 167, Market at Delos 170, Boccaccio’s Isis 177, Harbor at Pula 190; The Flow of Silver to the West in 9-10th centuries *

Conversion and Translation
. Translating the Law, Philo 75-78
. Arabic Medicine in Europe, Constantine the African 115-118
. Aristotle in Andalus, Maimonides and Averroës 122-124
. Papal Prisoner, Leo Africanus 208-212
. The Conversion of Sabbati Sevi Samuel Brett, Sir Paul Rycaut, and Richard Kidder, 228-232
. Base Ignorance and Disbelief, ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Jarbati 242-251
. Illustrations: Hagia Sophia at the Bosphorus 173

Exile and Diaspora
. Exile and Return, Psalm 137 and Ezra 33-34
. Travels in a Fish, Jonah 41-42
. Purgatory, Dante Alighieri 145-147
. The Sephardim, Samuel G. Armistead 455-471 (pdf)
. Ship of Misery, I.F. Stone 304-310
. Last Evening on this Land, Mahmud Darwish 350-353

. Odysseus’s Wanderings, Homer 24-29
. Jewish and Muslim Networks, Benjamin of Tudela and Ibn Jubayr 125-129
. The Reunited Lovers, Giovanni Boccaccio 147-152
. Mediterranean Identity, Américo Castro 323-329
. Illustration: Behzad’s Harun 178
. Music: Maqam, Mare Nostrum, Jordi Savall

Imperialism, Colonization, and War
. A Roman Mediterranean, Polybius 65-66
. Alexander’s Civilizing Mission, Plutarch 81-83
. Ornament of the World, Ibn ‘Abd al-Hakam 108-111
. On a Viking raid on the Caspian, Mas’ūdī 143-146 *
. Richard and Saladin, Ambroise 138

Slavery and Captivity
. Sale of Callirhoe, Chariton 66-70
. The Trade in Eunuchs, Ibn Hawqal 173-174 *
. The Captive’s Tale, Miguel de Cervantes 217-223
. Illustrations: Christian Slave in Algiers 183, Gladiator mosaic 192.
. Music: Galeas, Sephardic Ballad

Tourism and Pilgrimage
. Touring Egypt, Julia Balbilla 83-85
. Between East and West, Ibn Battuta 152-155
. Maqam of the Berbers, al-Saraqusti (pdf)
. From Naples to Palermo, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 238-241
. Illustration: Arab Mappamundi Al-Idrisi 175,
. Music: Nu alrest, German Pilgrim upon arriving at Palestine and the Holy Land

. Cleopatra’s Death, Horace 70-72
. A Sultanate of Women, Catherine de Médici 214-215
. Wild Women and Warrior Maidens, Adrienne Martin 114-130 (pdf)
. The Doncella guerrera, Sephardic Ballad (pdf)
. Music: Banks of the Nile, Scottish Ballad

A lo largo de este curso se impartirá una cata de aceite dirigida por Davis Kyle Cochran